# This is a public, freely editable notes page about making indoor CO2 levels visible at FOSDEM.
It was created by [Chris Adams](mrchrisadams), to help people interested in seeing rooms instrumented with indoor CO2 metrics coordinate.
The focus is currently on FOSDEM, and this is intended for people attending the event who are:
- interested in hosting a sensor in their devroom
- prepared to bring a sensor if there isn't one available for a devroom
- would find live feeds of data useful for making decisions about which rooms to spend time in
_Please make any edits with this audience in mind._
## Blog posts and sites related to indoor CO2 and public health at FOSDEM:
- Chris's original blog post - [What’s the air quality like in rooms at FOSDEM?](https://rtl.chrisadams.me.uk/2024/12/whats-the-air-quality-like-in-rooms-at-fosdem/)
- [Andy Piper](andypiper)'s response blog post - [Finding affordable Air Quality sensors for FOSDEM](https://andypiper.co.uk/2024/12/30/finding-affordable-air-quality-sensors-for-fosdem/)
- [Fluconf](https://fluconf.online/) - An virtual conference, created at least partly as a response to frustration about indoor public health concerns at FOSDEM
# DevRooms interested which are hosting CO2 sensors in the or have organisers interested in doing so:
| Dev room / booth etc. | Organiser | Status |
| --------------------- | -------- | -------- |
| [Inclusive Web Dev Room](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/inclusive-web/) | [SaptakS](https://github.com/SaptakS) | Interested, [probably yes](https://github.com/Inclusive-Web-Devroom/fosdem-2025/issues/6#issuecomment-2572791996) (woot!)
| [Open Source Design devroom](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/design/) | [SaprakS](https://github.com/SaptakS) | Interested
| [Social Web Devroom](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/social-web/) | [Andy Piper](andypiper) | Interested, working on an idea based on SCD41, may also consider having something on the Mastodon booth if there is space, happy to collect / aggregate data. |
| Gentoo + Flatcar Container Linux Booth | [t-lo](https://fromm.social/@thilo) | Will bring my AraNet and some [basic Grafana / Prometheus dashboarding](https://github.com/flatcar/flatcar-demos/tree/t-lo/fosdem-2025/FOSDEM2025/aranet) I've built. Ping me on Mastodon or find me at the booth if you want access to the Booth Prometheus endpoint for raw aranet data. |
| [Image-Based Linux Devroom](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/image-based-linux/) | Luca Boccassi | I have and will bring an Aranet4 but with no data collection (can't be bothered), if anyone wants to spend time to hook it up or bring another networked detector that's also welcome |
| [Nix and NixOS](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/nix/) | [Paul Meyer](https://infosec.exchange/@katexochen) | Interested |
| [Energy](https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/track/energy/) | contact: [Nico Rikken](https://mastodon.nl/@nicorikken) | Interested, no hardware available yet. Ordered a Wemos D1 Mini as board, with 8x8 RGB LED matrix shield instead of an LED strip. Wemos has CO2 shield, but opted for SCD40 via I2C. Wemos uses its own connector for I2C. Curious about the idea of [combining it with Meshtastic](https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/pull/4601).
| Your devroom with link | Your name | If you interested / have kit with local display / have with live feed online / etc
(edit as appropriate)
## Blog posts and sites at other events
- At CCC, there was a whole deployment of indoor co2 tracking Gnomes (DatenZwergen) - see [the Data Gnome project](https://datagnome.de/)
- [See a pic of Data Gnomes at CCC](https://chaos.social/@MacLemon/113736755796100870)
- Indoor CO2 level data gathered by the Datagnomes [and charted on with Grafana](https://grafana.datagnome.de/d/f17a6449-84ed-4733-b982-21c0d480c42a/overview?orgId=1&from=1735220857012&to=1735575266840&viewPanel=21)
- There was a workshop at CCC to build an indoor CO2 airquality sensor.
- [Link to event](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/hub/en/project/ambient-air-quality-sensor/)
- [link to git repo with detailed instructions on making the sensor](https://git.darmstadt.ccc.de/cda/co2-sensor-workshop)
- [mastodon post about the workshop](https://chaos.social/@cccda/110271046217229804)
## OSS Projects and similar initiatives
- EventInfra supports non-profit/community-run events by providing network infrastructures (this looks like it _might_ include indoor CO2 sensors) link to [EventInfra website]. [Post by an organiser talking about tracking co2 at CCC](https://chaos.social/@flangey/113748571509564907). Link to [example indoor co2 dashboard they created at C38C](https://chaos.social/@flangey/113748571509564907).
- The fork of c3nav [used for FOSDEM 2025](https://github.com/johanvdw/c3nav.git) (based on looking [at FOSDEM's deployment git repo](https://github.com/FOSDEM/infrastructure/blob/master/ansible/playbooks/roles/maps/tasks/main.yml))
- The git repo for the project at C38C to create a CO2 sensor on a budget - https://git.darmstadt.ccc.de/cda/co2-sensor-workshop
- You can support development on the OSS c3nav indoor mapping web app - https://www.patreon.com/c/c3nav/
- How to build a headless CO2 sensor that is cheap and accurate (ESP plus SCD41) - https://codeberg.org/alxndr42/co2-sensor
- a cute CO2 display dial - https://kuenzi.dev/co2/
[mrchrisadams]: https://rtl.chrisadams.me.uk/about/
[andypiper]: https://macaw.social/@andypiper