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Ajoutez à cela Ada, le chien qui court partout dans le squat, la bientraitance des collectifs présents, les repas pris ensemble, et vous obtenez le OFFDEM O₂. ::: **A word about the atmosphere:** *It's not every day that you can go from a discussion on the regularisation of undocumented migrants to an exchange on unikernels, then to biohacking, to expressing your emotions ("Open Source Feelings") and community care, to end up with a radical citizen media by undocumented migrants. Add to this Ada, the dog that runs around the squat, the kindness of the collectives present, the meals taken together, and you get OFFDEM O₂.* --- :::info Ce document rassemble les ressources documentaires (pads, fichiers, etc.) liées à l'événement OFFDEM O₂, qui a eu lieu le 5 et 6 mars 2022, dans le squat KBC. L'événement OFFDEM O₂, accueilli par le Collectif Zone Neutre à Molenbeek, se concentre sur les technologies minimalistes à usage collectif (décentralisées et P2P, collaboration de groupe hors ligne d'abord, Internet post-DNS, fabrication et fourniture d'unikernel, protocoles légers et informatique à faibles ressources, production de technologies éthiques, etc.) Nous appelons, en cette période de crise, à aborder les technologies féministes et décoloniales, à travailler ensemble à la périphérie des systèmes existants. Dans l'esprit des pratiques syndicalistes, nous aborderons les questions de l'organisation et des Biens Communs, et accueillerons des ateliers de médias de résistance. 10 ans après la rencontre P2P de Berlin, OFFDEM invite les technologues à une assemblée technologique peer-to-peer pour aborder les points communs et les questions partagées, cultiver les différences et explorer les moyens de croiser les chemins. ::: *This document gathers the documentary resources (pads, files, etc.) related to the OFFDEM O₂ event held during March 5th and 6th of 2022, at the KBC squat.* *The OFFDEM O₂ event, hosted by the Neutral Zone Collective in Molenbeek, focuses on minimalist technologies for collective use (decentralised and P2P, offline-first group collaboration, post-DNS Internet, unikernel fabrication and provisioning, lightweight protocols and low-resource computing, ethical technology production, etc.)* *We are calling, in this time of crisis, to address feminist and decolonial technologies, to work together at the edge of existing systems.* *In the spirit of the syndicalist practices we will address issues of organisation and the Commons, and host resistance media workshops.* *10 years after the P2P meeting in Berlin, OFFDEM invites technologists to a peer-to-peer technology assembly addressing commonalities and shared issues, cultivating differences and exploring ways to cross paths.* ## 1 - Ateliers : Workshops ### 2022-03-05 * [Présentation Collectif Zone Neutre](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-presentation-collectif-zone-neutre#) * [Greentech-oxymoron](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-greentech-oxymoron) * [Librehosters](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-presentation-librehoster) * [Distributed Replicated Edge Agency Machine](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-presentation-dream) * [Deploying MirageOS unikernels](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-mirageos-unikernels) * [Peer-to-Peer Assembly](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-p2p-assembly#) ### 2022-03-06 * [Biohacking Syndicate](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-biohacking-syndicate#) * [Community Care](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-community-care#) * [Tactical Tech - Glassroom](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-glassroom#) * [Superglue](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-superglue#) * [Radical & Undocumented Citizen Media](https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-radical-citizen-media#) ### Autres sujets : Other topics ElRepo.io - Une app Android à tester : Testing APK * Download the APK to install on Android at https://nuvula.diveni.re/s/yy8GkXm6JX567fy * Known bugs: it hangs forever when updating profile image, force app restarting and it will be fine. Enjoy ! ;-) ![Poster - Ada - Présence Solidaire](https://pad.public.cat/uploads/f680f7bbfca283aa4e7a87918.png) ## 2 - Événements à venir : Upcoming Events > **Ajoutez votre événement ici : add your event here** :::info * [12 March 2022 - (+ 4 more days) : Amsterdam, World Building](https://veem.house/program/open-call-join-our-new-long-now-lab-on-world-building/) * [14 March 2022 - Webinar: "Alarming news, ecological issues, and self-care"](https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/116568/lomake.html) * [26 March 2022 - A call to international hackerspaces to participate; "Do biohackerspaces and hackerspaces have a role to play in welcoming refugees and exiles?"](https://wiki.kaouenn-noz.fr/hors_les_murs:en_international_hackerspace_open_day_2022) * [26-27 March 2022 - ATNOFS - A Transversal Network of Feminist Servers @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA Rotterdam, The Netherland](https://varia.zone/en/atnofs-varia.html) * [11-12 April 2022 - SEE10, in Ljubljana](http://ripe.net/see-10/call-for-presentations) * [27 April to 1 May 2022 - Paris p2p](https://p2p.paris) * [9-14 May 2022 - Ghent (Belgium) Microsolidarity Gathering](https://www.thehum.org/microsolidarity-gatherings) * [16-20 May 2022 - RIPE84 in Berlin](http://ripe84.ripe.net/) * [10-20 July 2022 - THX](https://thx.zoethical.org/t/thx-2022/222) * [22-26 July 2022 - May Contain Hackers]( https://mch2022.org/) * [1-8 August 2022 - in Catalonia: TransHackFeminist Convergence 2022 – A call to all those who build Feminist Infrastructure: a self-organised, face-to-face, body-to-body meeting](https://zoiahorn.anarchaserver.org/thf2022/#ENG) ::: ### Agendas d'événements : Calendars of Events * https://radar.squat.net/en * https://nsrc.org/calendar/ --- <center> :::danger Ce document est régi par la [Licence Art Libre 1.3 (LAL 1.3)](https://artlibre.org/) par les participant⋅e⋅s OFFDEM O<sub>2</sub> 2022 This document is governed by the [Free Art License 1.3 (FAL 1.3)](https://artlibre.org/) By OFFDEM O<sub>2</sub> 2022 attendees ::: </center>