owned this note
# FR : L'Union Européenne doit poursuivre le financement des logiciels libres # Signataires / Signatories # The European Union must keep funding free software ## Lettre ouverte à la Commission Européenne ## Open Letter to the European Commission - "A flourishing internet, based on common building blocks created within NGI, that enables better control of our digital life" ; - "A flourishing internet, based on common building blocks created within NGI, that enables better control of our digital life" ; - "A structured eco-system of talented contributors driving the creation of new internet commons and the evolution of existing internet commons". - "A structured ecosystem of talented contributors driving the creation of new internet commons and the evolution of existing internet commons". - "Human centric Internet aligned with values and principles commonly shared in Europe" ; - "Human centric Internet aligned with values and principles commonly shared in Europe" ; Alors que les États-Unis d’Amérique, la Chine ou la Russie déploient des moyens publics et privés colossaux pour développer des logiciels et infrastructures captant massivement les données des consommateurs, l’Union Européenne ne peut pas se permettre ce renoncement. Les logiciels libres et *open source* tels que soutenus par les projets NGI depuis 2020 sont, par construction, à l’opposée des potentiels vecteurs d’ingérence étrangère. Ils permettent de conserver localement les données et de favoriser une économie et des savoirs-faire à l’échelle communautaire, tout en permettant à la fois une collaboration internationale. Ceci est d’autant plus indispensable dans le contexte géopolitique que nous connaissons actuellement. L’enjeu de la souveraineté technologique y est prépondérant et le logiciel libre permet d’y répondre sans renier la nécessité d’œuvrer pour la paix et la citoyenneté dans l’ensemble du monde numérique. As defined by Horizon Europe, widening Member States are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lituania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Widening associated countries (under condition of an association agreement) include Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldavia, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine. Widening overseas regions are : Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Reunion Island, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, The Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands. Au nom de ces enjeux, ce sont plus de 500 projets qui ont reçu un financement NGI0 dans les 5 premières années d'exercice, ainsi que plus de 18 organisations collaborant à faire vivre ces consortia européens. Contrary to common perception, technical innovations often originate from European rather than North American programming communities, and are mostly initiated by small-scaled organisations. Dans ces perspectives, nous vous demandons urgemment de réclamer la préservation du programme NGI dans le programme de financement 2025. Depuis 2020, les programmes Next Generation Internet ([NGI](https://www.ngi.eu)), sous-branche du programme Horizon Europe de la Commission Européenne financent en cascade (notamment via les appels [NGI0 Commons Fund](https://www.nlnet.nl/commonsfund)) le logiciel libre en Europe. Cette année, à la lecture du brouillon du Programme de Travail de Horizon Europe détaillant les programmes de financement de la commission européenne pour 2025, nous nous apercevons que les programmes Next Generation Internet ne sont plus mentionnés dans le Cluster 4. Free and open source software, as supported by NGI since 2020, is by design the opposite of potential vectors for foreign interference. It lets us keep our data local and favors a community-wide economy and know-how, while allowing an international collaboration. If you want to sign the letter, please publish the letter on your website and complete the table below. In the name of these challenges, more than 500 projects received NGI funding in the first 5 years, backed by 18 organisations managing these European funding consortia. In this perspective, we urge you to claim for preserving the NGI programme as part of the 2025 funding programme. Initialement publiée par les [petites singularités](https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/lettre-publique-aux-ncp-au-sujet-de-ngi/). Initially published by [petites singularités](https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/lettre-publique-aux-ncp-au-sujet-de-ngi/). English translation provided by [OW2](https://www.ow2.org/view/Events/The_European_Union_must_keep_funding_free_software_open_letter). Le Cluster 4 allouait 27 millions d'euros au service de : Les programmes NGI ont démontré leur force et leur importance dans le soutien à l'infrastructure logicielle européenne, formant un instrument générique de financement des communs numériques qui doivent être rendus accessibles dans la durée. Nous sommes dans l'incompréhension face à cette transformation, d'autant plus que le fonctionnement de NGI est efficace et économique puisqu'il soutient l'ensemble des projets de logiciel libre des plus petites initiatives aux mieux assises. La diversité de cet écosystème fait la grande force de l'innovation technologique européenne et le maintien de l'initiative NGI pour former un soutien structurel à ces projets logiciels, qui sont au cœur de l'innovation mondiale, permet de garantir la souveraineté d'une infrastructure européenne. Contrairement à la perception courante, les innovations techniques sont issues des communautés de programmeurs européens plutôt que nord-américains, et le plus souvent issues de structures de taille réduite. Les signataires de cette lettre doivent avoir publié celle-ci et avoir attaché le lien vers la publication pour apparaître ci-dessous : Moreover, NGI allows exchanges and collaborations across all the Euro zone countries as well as "widening countries" [^1], currently both a success and an ongoing progress, likewise the Erasmus programme before us. NGI also contributes to opening and supporting longer relationships than strict project funding does. It encourages implementing projects funded as pilots, backing collaboration, identification and reuse of common elements across projects, interoperability in identification systems and beyond, and setting up development models that mix diverse scales and types of European funding schemes. NGI contribue à un vaste écosystème puisque la plupart du budget est dévolu au financement de tierces parties par le biais des appels ouverts (_open calls_). Ils structurent des communs qui recouvrent l'ensemble de l'Internet, du matériel aux applications d'intégration verticale en passant par la virtualisation, les protocoles, les systèmes d'exploitation, les identités électroniques ou la supervision du trafic de données. Ce financement des tierces parties n'est pas renouvelé dans le programme actuel, ce qui laissera de nombreux projets sans ressources adéquates pour la recherche et l'innovation en Europe. NGI contributes to a vast ecosystem, as most of its budget is allocated to fund third parties by the means of open calls, to structure commons that cover the whole Internet scope - from hardware to application, operating systems, digital identities or data traffic supervision. This third-party funding is not renewed in the current program, leaving many projects short on resources for research and innovation in Europe. NGI programmes have shown their strength and importance to supporting the European software infrastructure, as a generic funding instrument to fund digital commons and ensure their long-term sustainability. We find this transformation incomprehensible, moreover when NGI has proven efficient and economical to support free software as a whole, from the smallest to the most established initiatives. This ecosystem diversity backs the strength of European technological innovation, and maintaining the NGI initiative to provide structural support to software projects at the heart of worldwide innovation is key to enforce the sovereignty of a European infrastructure. Par ailleurs, NGI permet des échanges et des collaborations à travers tous les pays de la zone euro et aussi avec les *widening countries* [^1], ce qui est actuellement une réussite tout autant qu’un progrès en cours, comme le fut le programme Erasmus avant nous. NGI est aussi une initiative qui participe à l’ouverture et à l’entretien de relation sur un temps plus long que les financements de projets. NGI encourage également à l'implémentation des projets financés par le biais de pilotes, et soutient la collaboration au sein des initiatives, ainsi que l'identification et la réutilisation d'éléments communs au travers des projets, l'interopérabilité notamment des systèmes d'identification, et la mise en place de modèles de développement intégrant les autres sources de financements aux différentes échelles en Europe. Previous Cluster 4 allocated 27 million euros to: Si vous souhaitez signer la lettre, merci de la publier sur votre site et de compléter le tableau ci-dessous. Signatories must publish this open letter on their web site, prior to completing the table below: Since 2020, Next Generation Internet ([NGI](https://www.ngi.eu)) programmes, part of European Commission's Horizon programme, fund free software in Europe using a cascade funding mechanism (see for example [NGI0 Commons Fund](https://www.nlnet.nl/commonsfund)). This year, according to the Horizon Europe working draft detailing funding programmes for 2025, we notice that Next Generation Internet is not mentioned any more as part of Cluster 4. This is all the more essential in the current geopolitical context: the challenge of technological sovereignty is central, and free software allows to address it while acting for peace and sovereignty in the digital world as a whole. While the USA, China or Russia deploy huge public and private resources to develop software and infrastructure that massively capture private consumer data, the EU can't afford this renunciation. [^1]: Tels que définis par Horizon Europe, les États Membres élargis sont la Bulgarie, la Croatie, Chypre, la République Tchèque, l’Estonie, la Grèce, la Hongrie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, Malte, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie et la Slovénie. Les pays associés élargies (sous conditions d’un accord d’association) l’Albanie, l’Arménie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, les Îles Feroé, la Géorgie, le Kosovo, la Moldavie, le Monténégro, le Maroc, la Macédoine du Nord, la Serbie, la Tunisie, la Turquie et l’Ukraine. Les régions élargies d’outre-mer sont: la Guadeloupe, la Guyane Française, la Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, Les Açores, Madère, les Îles Canaries. | Nom / Name | Statut / Organization type | Pays / Country | Lien vers la publication / Link to publication | |-|-|-|-| | ABUL | Association | France | https://abul.org/L-UE-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-du-logiciel-libre.html | | Adnan Hadzi | researcher | Malta | https://tldr.nettime.org/@adnan/112984742402625984 | | Aisyk | Artist | France | https://aisyk-projets.fr | | Alain Imbaud | Formateur / Trainer |France | https://interventions-numeriques.fr | | Baltasar Ortega Bort (aka baltolkien) | Teacher | Spain | | Christine Hall | Tech Journalist & Publisher | Global | https://fossforce.com/2024/07/is-the-european-commission-dropping-support-for-important-open-source-funding/ | | Club Linux Nord-Pas de Calais | Association | France | https://clx.asso.fr/spip/?L-Union-Europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | Code for France | Association | France | https://codefor.fr/assemblies/codeforfr/f/47/posts/19 | | CryptPad | Open source project | France | https://blog.cryptpad.org/2024/07/12/lettre-ouverte-commission-europeene-ngi/ | | Daniel-Alf Junghaenel | Free software user and contributor | Germany | | | Decidim | Free software project | Global | https://decidim.org/ | | Ekaitz Zarraga | R&D Engineer | Spain | https://ekaitz.elenq.tech/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software.html | | Fabrique à Communs des Tiers-Lieux| Community | France | [Post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/fabrique-%C3%A0-communs-des-tiers-lieux_lettre-ouverte-%C3%A0-la-commission-europ%C3%A9enne-activity-7221045031720161281-1cbO?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) | | Fedicat | Collectif | Espagne | https://agora.fedi.cat/t/carta-oberta-a-la-comissio-europea/827 | | Fidus Writer | Open source project | Sweden | https://www.fiduswriter.org/2024/07/16/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | Hackstub | Association | France | https://hackstub.eu/home/en/admin/pages/blog/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/:preview | | Iloth | Association | France | https://iloth.net/2024/07/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [Inventaire](https://inventaire.io) | Association | France | https://wiki.inventaire.io/wiki/Lettre_ouverte_%C3%A0_la_Commission_Europ%C3%A9enne | | John Livingston | AutoEntrepreneur | France | https://www.john-livingston.fr/foss/article/l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | Jonathan McHugh | Qiuy; Icebreaker -- knowledge management, informatics, protocols | Belgium | https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2024-07/msg00118.html | | Jorge Sánchez Cortés | Mathematician, Scientist, Free software user | Germany | - | | Kuchenmampfer | Free software user and contributor | Germany | https://kuchenmampfer.de/posts/2024/07/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | Marc Grec | Free software user and contributor | Romania | https://marcgrec.com/posts/ngi/ | | Meta-Press.es / Acoeuro | SARL | France | https://www.meta-press.es/fr/journal/2024/L_Union_Europeenne_doit_poursuivre_le_financement_des_logiciels_libres.html | | NixOS Foundation | Foundation | The Netherlands | https://nixos.org/blog/announcements/2024/letter/ | | Numericatous | AutoEntrepreneur | France | https://numericatous.fr/2024/07/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | OW2 | Association | France | https://www.ow2.org/view/Events/The_European_Union_must_keep_funding_free_software_open_letter | | Oliver| Blogger & IT-guy| Germany | https://pifferi.io | | Oscar Rodríguez | Free software user I also has a personal blog | Spain | https://sopadeletras.club/mester/carta-abierta-a-la-comision-europea | Ouvaton.coop | Société coopérative de consommation | France | https://ouvaton.coop/ngi-financement-du-logiciel-libre/ | | Pascal G77 | Universal Observer | France / Berlin / Universe | be curious! | | Radically Open Security | Company | Netherlands | https://www.linkedin.com/posts/radically-open-security_the-european-union-musk-keep-funding-free-activity-7218635645794033664-Uc-f | | Ricardo J. Barberis | Free software user and contributor | Argentina | | | Saket Sinha | Free Hardware/Software Developer | Germany | https://saketsinha.de/ | | Spare Cores | Open source project | Hungary | https://sparecores.com/article/open-letter-to-eu-to-keep-ngi-funded | | Tetaneutral.net | Association | France | https://www.tetaneutral.net/actions/lettre-ouverte-a-la-commission-europeene.html | | Toke Høiland-Jørgensen | Free software user and contributor | Denmark | https://blog.tohojo.dk/2024/07/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software.html | | [:DFRI - Föreningen för Digitala Fri- och Rättigheter](https://www.dfri.se/) | NGO | Sweden | https://www.dfri.se/europeiska-unionen-maste-fortsatta-finansiera-fri-programvara/ | | [:DFRI - The Digital Freedom and Rights Association](https://www.dfri.se/) | NGO | Sweden | https://www.dfri.se/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [ADDAEP](https://duché-perché.fr/) | Association | France | https://duché-perché.fr/blog/2024-07-09-lettre-publique-aux-ncp-au-sujet-de-ngi.html | | [AI Forensics](https://aiforensics.org/) | Non-profit organisation | France | | | [ALDIL](https://aldil.org) | Association | France | https://www.aldil.org/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/2163/ | | [API : Action of Public Interest](https://apifr.org/) | ONG | France | https://apifr.org/ | | [ARTICLE 19](https://www.article19.org) | Non-profit organisation | United Kingdom | https://www.article19.org/resources/eu-keep-funding-free-software-under-horizon-programme/ | [Aislamientos Poal, S.L.](https://www.aislamientospoal.com) | Pyme | Spain | | [Alcides Fonseca](http://alcidesfonseca.com) | University | Portugal | https://wiki.alcidesfonseca.com/blog/european-union-will-stop-funding-open-source-projects/ | | [André Jaenisch Web-Development & -Consulting](https://jaenis.ch/) | One-man business | Germany | https://jaenis.ch/en/blog/2024/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | [ApTI](https://apti.ro) | NGO | Romania | https://apti.ro/cerem-mentinerea-finantarii-proiectelor-foss-prin-ngi | | [April](https://www.april.org/) | Association | France | https://www.april.org/lettre-ouverte-l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [Aquilenet](https://www.aquilenet.fr) | Non-profit organisation | France | https://www.aquilenet.fr/actualit%C3%A9s/lettre-ue-logiciels-libres/ | | [Associació d'Usuaris de GNU/Linux de València](https://gnulinuxvalencia.org) | Associació | Spain | https://gnulinuxvalencia.org/la-unio-europea-ha-de-seguir-financant-el-programari-lliure/ (CA) | | [Associació expansió Xarxa Oberta (eXO.cat)](https://eXO.cat) | Non-profit associative ISP for the Open Network | Catalonia | https://exo.cat/carta-oberta-a-la-comissio-europea/ | | [Association Musique Libre / Dogmazic](https://dogmazic.net/) | Association |France | https://musique-libre.org - https://dogmazic.net | | [Association for Progressive Communications](https://apc.org)| international network of civil society organisations | Global |https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software and https://www.apc.org/fr/pubs/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [Astrolabe CAE](https://www.astrolabe.coop/) | Cooperative of Freelancer | France |https://www.astrolabe.coop/posts/appel-financement-libre-eu/ | | [Axiom-Team](https://axiom-team.fr) | Association | France | https://axiom-team.fr/blog/2024-07-17_lettre-ouverte-soutien-ngi | | [BIRU](https://biru.sh) | Cooperative | France | https://biru.sh/blog/lunion-europ%C3%A9enne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [Blueprint for Free Speech](https://www.blueprintforfreespeech.net/)| Non-profit organisation | Germany | https://www.blueprintforfreespeech.net/en/news/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software | | [CESEP](https://www.cesep.be/) | Association | Belgium | https://www.cesep.be/lettre-ouverte-eu-ngi// | [CLUB1](https://club1.fr/) | Collectif | France | https://club1.fr/lettre-ngi | | [Carlos Fernandez](https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosfernandezcabrero/) | Software developer | Spain | https://www.linkedin.com/posts/carlosfernandezcabrero_the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-activity-7253854131776352257-1BfK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop | | [Cloudillo](https://cloudillo.org) | Open source project | Hungary | https://cloudillo.org/post/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Code Lutin](https://codelutin.com) | Entreprise | France | https://mastodon.libre-entreprise.com/@codelutin/112807621777566597 | | [Communalia](https://communalia.eu) | European Association of Maximalist Cooperatives and NGOs | Spain, France, Croatia | https://communalia.eu/notes/ngi| | [Conscious Digital](https://consciousdigital.org) | Non-profit organisation | Global | https://consciousdigital.org/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Coopérative Code Commun](https://codecommun.coop) & [TiBillet](https://tibillet.org) | FOSS Coopérative | France | https://codecommun.coop/blog/ue-ngi | | [Daniel Barlow](https://ww.telent.net) for [Liminix](https://www.liminix.org)| Free software developer/project | United Kingdom | https://ww.telent.net/2024/7/16/the_european_union_must_keep_funding_free_software | | [Data Players](https://data-players.com/) | Cooperative | France | https://data-players.com/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [Datenfreu.de](https://datenfreu.de) | Community | Germany | https://datenfreu.de/Open-Letter-to-the-European-Commission/index.de.html | | [Deuxfleurs](https://deuxfleurs.fr) | Association | France | https://plume.deuxfleurs.fr/~/Deuxfleurs/Lettre%20ouverte%20%C3%A0%20la%20Commission%20Europ%C3%A9enne | [Digitgalcourage](https://digitalcourage.de/) | Non-profit civil society organisation | Germany | https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2024/EU-NGI-Programm-muss-fortgefuehrt-werden | [Domainepublic](https://www.domainepublic.net) | ASBL | Belgium | https://www.domainepublic.net/Lettre-ouverte-a-la-Commission-Europeenne.html? | | [EFN](https://efn.no/)| NGO | Norway | | | [El condón roto de GNU](https://elcondonrotodegnu.wordpress.com/) | Free software blog in Spanish | Spain | | [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org) | Non-profit organisation | The Netherlands | https://f-droid.org/2024/07/23/ngi-funding-open-letter.html | | [FFDN](https://ffdn.org)|Non-profit organisation|France|https://www.ffdn.org/fr/article/2024-07-23/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres| | [Fabio Manganiello](https://fabiomanganiello.com)| Free software developer | Netherlands / Italy | https://manganiello.social/@fabio/posts/An6xbZdokjTcRD1wZs | | [FediVariety](https://fedivariety.org/) | Non-profit research project | UK / Belgium / Germany / Italy | https://fedivariety.org/blog/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Flarum, community software](https://flarum.org) | Open source project | The Netherlands / Global | https://discuss.flarum.org/d/32901/166 | | [Free Silicon Foundation](https://f-si.org) | Association | Switzerland | https://wiki.f-si.org/index.php?title=The_European_Union_must_keep_funding_free_software_open_letter | | [Friends of OpenPGP (foopgp)](https://foopgp.org/fr/) | Association | France | https://foopgp.org/blog/2024-08-02-the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Fédération des Professionnels d'OpenStreetMap](https://fposm.fr)| association d'entreprises |france |https://fposm.fr/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/| | [GNU Guix](https://guix.gnu.org) | Free software project | Earth | https://guix.gnu.org/en/blog/2024/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Garage](https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr) | Free software project | France | https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/blog/2024-07-european-commission-letter/ | | [Gianmarco Gargiulo](https://gianmarco.gg) | Free software user and contributor | Italy | https://gianmarco.gg/blog/eufossfunding | | [Gitzaai Blog](https://blog.gitzaai.com) | Free software user | China | https://blog.gitzaai.com/2024/07/open-letter-to-the-european-commission/ | | [Globenet](https://www.globenet.org) | Association | France | https://www.globenet.org/L-Union-Europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres.html | | [Hadoly](https://www.hadoly.fr) | Association | France | https://hadoly.fr/lettre-ouverte-a-la-commission-europeenne/ | | [Homo Digitalis](https://homodigitalis.gr/) | Civil Non Profit Company | Greece |https://homodigitalis.gr/en/posts/133398/ | | [ISOC-CH](https://isoc.ch/) | Association | Switzerland | https://www.isoc.ch/the-support-of-the-european-union-for-free-and-open-source-software-is-at-stake/ | | [Igalia](https://www.igalia.com) | Company | Spain | https://www.igalia.com/2024/08/05/The-European-Union-must-keep-funding-free-software.html | | [Illyse](https://www.illyse.net) | FAI associatif | France | https://www.illyse.net/2024/07/illyse-signe-la-lettre-ouverte-a-la-commission-europeenne-pour-le-maintient-des-financements-par-lue-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [IndieHosters](https://indiehosters.net/) | Association | France | https://indiehosters.net/blog/2024/09/17/Lettre-ouverte-NGI.html | | [Infini](https://www.infini.fr) | Non-profit organisation | France | https://www.infini.fr/l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [InfoGnuEureka - IGE](https://infognueureka.fr) | Entreprise | France | https://encommun.org/libre-open-source-et-gratuit-grace-a-des-financements-europeens/ | | [Inland Dalmatia Open Systems](https://www.idos.hr) | Community | Croatia | https://www.idos.hr/vijesti/168-open-letter-to-the-european-commission.html | | [InterHop](https://interhop.org) | Non-profit organization | France | https://interhop.org/en/2024/09/10/open-letter-to-the-commission | | [Interpeer Project](https://interpeer.io) | Association | Global | https://interpeer.io/blog/2024/07/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [James Smith](https://floppy.org.uk) for [Manyfold](https://manyfold.app)| Open source project | United Kingdom | https://manyfold.app/news/2024/07/17/eu-funding-free-software.html | | [Julian Foad](https://julian.foad.me.uk) | Freedom software developer | UK | https://wrily.foad.me.uk/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software | | [KAZ hébergeur sobre libre éthique et local](https://kaz.bzh) | Association | France | https://kaz.bzh/actualite.html | | [KDE Blog](https://www.kdeblog.com) | Blog about KDE in spanish | Spain | https://www.kdeblog.com/kde-blog-firma-la-peticion-para-instar-a-la-union-europea-a-seguir-financiando-el-software-libre.html | | [KDE España](https://www.kde-espana.org)| Asociación de Software Libre | Spain | https://www.kde-espana.org/kde-espana-firma-la-peticion-para-instar-a-la-union-europea-a-seguir-financiando-el-software-libre | [Kite2Nice](https://kite2nice.com/)| Association à but non lucratif | France | https://kite2nice.com/lettre-ouverte-a-la-commission-europeenne/ | [Kompot](https://kompot.si) | Selfhosting collective | Slovenia | https://kompot.si/wiki/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [KudoAI](https://kudoai.com) | OSS publisher | Global | https://blog.kudoai.com/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software-fdc31b637a4a | | [La Labomedia](https://labomedia.org) | Association | France | https://ressources.labomedia.org/lettre_ouverte_a_la_commission_europeenne_notamment_via_programmes_next_generation_internet_ngi | | [Le BIB](https://lebib.org) | Hackerspace | France | https://social.bim.land/@lebib/112808895894768049 | | [Lea-Linux](https://lea-linux.org) | Non-Profit organisation | France | https://lea-linux.org/nouvelles/lunion-europeenne-doit-continuer-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres-81028/ | | [LiberaForms](https://liberaforms.org) | Free software project | Spain | https://blog.liberaforms.org/2024/07/23/open-letter-to-the-european-commission/ | | [Libervia](https://libervia.org) | FOSS Project | France/Slovakia | https://libervia.org/blog/view/goffi@goffi.org/@/id/l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-rrQA (fr) and https://libervia.org/blog/view/goffi@goffi.org/@/id/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software-rPpV (en) | | [Libre Geolocation](https://libregeolocation.org/) | FOSS project | EU / Global | https://libregeolocation.org/ncp_ngi.html | | [LibrePCB](https://librepcb.org) | FOSS Project | Switzerland | https://librepcb.org/blog/2024-08-23_open_letter_to_european-commission/ | | [Librecast Project](https://librecast.net/) | Project | France | https://librecast.net/ngi-lettre.html | | [Libérons nos ordis](https://liberonsnosordis.org)| Association sans but lucratif | France | https://blog.liberetonordi.com/index.php?post/appel-EU-financement-NGI | [Lieux Communs](https://collectiflieuxcommuns.fr/) | Association de fait | France | https://collectiflieuxcommuns.fr/?1177-Pour-des-logiciels-libres | | [LinuxFr](https://linuxfr.org) | Non-profit organisation | France | https://linuxfr.org/news/l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [MOS-AK](https://www.mos-ak.org) | Association | Switzerland | https://www.mos-ak.org/OpenLetter2EC.html | | [MPTCP Linux Upstream](https://mptcp.dev) | Open source project | Belgium | https://blog.mptcp.dev/2024/07/18/EU-free-software-funding.html | | [Marcos Dione](https://www.grulic.org.ar/~mdione/glob/) | Systems Developer and Administrator | France | | | [Mastodon](https://www.joinmastodon.org/) | OSS project and non-profit | Germany | https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2024/08/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Maths-code.fr](https://maths-code.fr/cours/numerique-responsable/) | NIRD Project | France | https://maths-code.fr/cours/2024/07/18/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/| | [Matias Lavik](https://matiaslavik.codeberg.page/) | Open source 3D tools developer | Norway | https://nattomaki.social/@matias/pages/1730204979800 | | [Mobian](https://mobian.org) | Mobian | France | https://blog.mobian.org/posts/2024/07/19/open-letter-eu/ | | [Molly Messenger](https://molly.im) | FOSS Project | Global | https://fosstodon.org/@mollyim/112810060763694707 | | [Monetary Diversity](https://www.monetarydiversity.org/) | Community | Belgium | https://www.monetarydiversity.org/ | [Montpel'libre](https://montpellibre.fr/) | Les Logiciels Logiquement Libres | France | https://montpellibre.fr/ | | [NextGraph](https://nextgraph.org/) | Open source project | France | https://nextgraph.org/eu-ngi-funding/ | | [Nina Barzh](https://tymyrddin.dev) | Librarian/Hacker | The Netherlands | https://uu.tymyrddin.dev/eu-os-funding/ | | [NixOS](https://nixos.org) | FOSS Community | Netherlands | https://nixos.org/blog/announcements/2024/letter/ | | [Nubo](https://nubo.coop/) | Cooperative | Belgium | https://nubo.coop/nl/news/2024-10-dd-ngi-openletter/ | | [Occitania liura, òc, linux, logiciels ouverts](https://joanluc.wordpress.com/) | Free software user and contributor | France | https://joanluc.wordpress.com/2024/07/19/letra-daquilenet-per-los-logiciaus-liures/ | | [Octopuce](https://www.octopuce.fr) | Company | France | https://www.octopuce.fr/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [Open Food Facts](https://world.openfoodfacts.org/) | Non profit | France | https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/news/soutien-ngi | | [Open Knowledge Foundation](https://okfn.org/) | Non-profit organisation | UK | https://blog.okfn.org/2024/07/16/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Open Source Politics](https://opensourcepolitics.eu/) | Company | France | https://opensourcepolitics.eu/actualites/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [OpenStreetMap France](https://www.openstreetmap.fr/) | Association | France | https://www.openstreetmap.fr/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [Oslandia](https://oslandia.com) | Company | France | https://oslandia.com/2024/07/29/lettre-ouverte-a-la-commission-europeenne-defendons-le-programme-ngi/ | | [Paheko](https://paheko.cloud/) | NGO | France | https://paheko.cloud/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [Pangea](https://pangea.org/)| Non-profit Internet service provider for organisations | Spain / Catalonia |https://laweb.pangea.org/2024/07/24/la-unio-europea-ha-de-continuar-financant-el-programari-lliure/ and https://laweb.pangea.org/es/2024/07/24/la-union-europea-ha-de-continuar-financiando-el-software-libre/ | | [Peter Bittner, Painless Software](https://painless.software/) | Free software developer | Austria / Italy / Switzerland | https://painless.software/ | | [Phosh](https://phosh.mobi) | FOSS Project | Germany | https://phosh.mobi/posts/ngi-2025/ | | [PrePostPrint](https://prepostprint.org) | Collective | France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany & more | https://prepostprint.org/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | | [Projet Internet et Citoyenneté, Ramonville Saint-Agne](https://www.le-pic.org)| Association | France | https://www.le-pic.org/l-union-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres| | [Proxeus](https://proxeus.org) | FOSS Project | Switzerland | https://github.com/orgs/ProxeusApp/discussions/41 | | [Radio Študent](https://radiostudent.si/) | Non-Profit Radio Station | Slovenia | https://radiostudent.si/druzba/tehno-klistir/interneta-naslednje-generacije-ni-vec-na-obzorju | | [Randy Bush](https://psg.com/~randy) | Researcher | US | https://archive.psg.com/papers.html | | [Restoration.software](https://www.jeremiahlee.com/posts/2024-eu-ngi-funding/) | Project | Sverige | https://www.jeremiahlee.com/posts/2024-eu-ngi-funding/ | | [Ritimo](https://ritimo.org) | Non-profit organisation | France | https://www.ritimo.org/L-Union-Europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres | | [Ruben De Smet](https://www.rubdos.be/) | Free software developer | Belgium | https://www.rubdos.be/privacy/2024/09/02/ngi-open-letter.html | | [Rubén Gómez Antolí](https://mucharuina.com) | Autónomo | Spain | | [SUMA-EV/MetGer](https://metager.org) | Non-Profit organisation | Germany | https://suma-ev.de/offener-brief-die-european-union-muss-weiterhin-die-freie-software-finanzieren/ | | [Salve J. Nilsen](https://code.foo.no/) | CPAN Security Group volunteer | Norway | https://chaos.social/@sjn | | [Samuel Orman-Chan](https://samormanchan.dev) | Free Software User | United Kingdom | https://www.samormanchan.dev/open-letter-on-foss-to-eu | | [Scambi Festival](https://scambi.org/en/) | Non-profit youth cultural association | Italy | | | [SelfPrivacy](selfprivacy.org) | Open source project | Germany / Georgia | https://selfprivacy.org/blog/2024/07/24/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software | | [SkypLabs](https://skyplabs.com/) | Company | Ireland | https://skyplabs.com/posts/eu-foss-petition/ | | [Slimbook](https://slimbook.com//) | Company | Spain | https://slimbook.com/blog/noticias-1/post/por-un-mundo-mejor-slimbook-pide-a-la-ue-seguir-financiando-el-software-libre-415 | | [SocialHub ActivityPub Community](https://activitypub.rocks) | Association | Global | https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/4365 | | [Solar FemtoTX Standard](https://hackaday.io/project/177716-the-femtotx-motherboard-standard) | Open Source Project | US / Italy | https://github.com/EI2030/Low-power-E-Paper-OS/blob/master/NGI%20Petition.md | | [Spritely](https://spritely.institute)|FOSS project and non-profit organization|International project, including contributors from Sweden|| | [Stichting Open Electronics Lab](https://stichting.openelectronicslab.org) | Non-profit organization | The Netherlands | https://stichting.openelectronicslab.org/open-letter/eu-must-fund-foss.html | | [Stichting Vrijschrift.org](https://vrijschrift.org) | NGO | Netherlands | https://www.vrijschrift.org/serendipity/index.php?/archives/268-Open-brief-aan-de-Europese-Commissie-over-het-financieren-van-vrije-software.html | | [Technostructures](https://technostructures.org) | Non-profit organisation | France | https://technostructures.org/blog/2024/07/24/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ (FR) / https://technostructures.org/en/blog/2024/07/24/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ (EN) | | [The Matrix.org Foundation](https://matrix.org) | Non-profit organisation | UK / Global | https://matrix.org/blog/2024/07/17/ngi-open-letter/ | | [Thierry Fenasse](https://computhings.be) | Artisan Numérique | Belgium | https://computhings.be/articles/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres.html | [Tuta](https://tuta.com/) | Tutao GmbH | Germany | | | [UnifiedPush](https://unifiedpush.org) | FOSS Project | France / Global | https://fosstodon.org/@unifiedpush/112812227311682624 | | [VerifAI project](https://verifai-project.com) | Project | Germany/Serbia | https://verifai-project.com/post?id=the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software | | [Vesna Manojlovic](https://becha.unciv.nl) | Hacker | The Netherlands / Croatia | https://becha.unciv.nl/open-letter-to-eu-to-keep-ngi-funded.html | | [WordPress Francophone (WPFR)](https://wpfr.net) | Association | France | https://wpfr.net/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/ | | [XMPP Standards Foundation (XSF)](https://xmpp.org/) | Non-Profit organisation | EU / UK / Global | https://xmpp.org/2024/08/the-xsf-signs-open-letter-to-the-european-commission/ | | [XR Fragments](https://xrfragment.org) | Open source project | Hungary | https://xrfragment.org/#EU%20keeps%2Fstops%20funding%20FOSS%3F | | [XWiki SAS](https://www.xwiki.com) | Open-source project | France | https://xwiki.com/en/Blog/open-letter-european-commission-ngi/ | | [YunoHost](https://yunohost.org) | Association | France | https://forum.yunohost.org/t/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-ny | https://mastodon.pub.solar/@crew/112917267726547730 | | [sysmocom](https://sysmocom.de/) | Company | Germany | | [women.it](https://women.it/) | Associazione | Italy | https://women.it/news/lunione-europea-deve-continuare-a-finanziare-il-software-libero/| | multi | Cooperative | France | https://www.multi.coop/blog?locale=fr&item=.%2Ftexts%2Fblog%2Fposts%2Flettre-UE-NGI.md | | petites singularités | ASBL | Belgique | https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/lettre-publique-aux-ncp-au-sujet-de-ngi/ | |-|-|-|-| |Dominik Lutter|Scientist, Computational Biology|Germany| |Framasoft |Association |France |https://framablog.org/2024/07/14/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/| |French Data Network|Association|France|https://www.fdn.fr/lunion-europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres/| |Le CULTe|association pour le logiciel libre|France|https://culte.org| |Parinux|Association|France|https://parinux.org/L-Union-Europeenne-doit-poursuivre-le-financement-des-logiciels-libres| |[ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Livre](https://ansol.org) | Association |Portugal| https://ansol.org/noticias/2024-07-25-carta-aberta-ngi| |[ActivityPods](https://activitypods.org) | open source project | France / Germany / Global | https://activitypods.org/open-letter-ngi/ |[Chaos Computer Club Aachen e.V.](https://ccc.ac)| Hackerspace | Germany | https://ccc.ac/post/2024-07-27-ngi-open-letter | |[GNUnet](https://gnunet.org) | Free software project/GNU package | Global | https://www.gnunet.org/en/news/2024-07-EU-continuing-NGI.html | |[KDE](https://kde.org)| FOSS Community | Germany | https://kde.org/announcements/2024_ngi_openletter/ | |[LaoBlog](https://blog.libero.it/Laoblog2/) | Free software user and contributor | Italy | https://blog.libero.it/Laoblog2/16769869.html| |[Louis Labs](https://medium.com/@louislabshq/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software-214754c173eb) | blockchain company | Nigeria |https://medium.com/@louislabshq/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software-214754c173eb |[Modos Tech](https://www.modos.tech/) | Company | Global | https://www.modos.tech/blog/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software |[SourceHut](https://sourcehut.org) | Company | Netherlands | https://sourcehut.org/blog/2024-07-18-ngi-must-be-renewed/ | |[ZKorum (building Agora Citizen Network)](https://zkorum.com) | Company | France | https://github.com/zkorum/ngi-petition | | [Castopod](https://castopod.org/) | Project | France | https://blog.castopod.org/the-european-union-must-keep-funding-free-software/ | |[Startin'blox](https://startinblox.com)| Cooperative | France | |[Grey-box](https://www.grey-box.ca)| Non-Profit Organisation | Canada|https://www.grey-box.ca/blog/open-source-software-development-in-the-eu-faces-uncertain-future/ | |[Association Skeptikon](https://skeptikon.fr)| Non-Profit Organisation | France| https://static.skeptikon.fr/positions/lettre-ouvert-ngi.html |